Poster Submission Form
Please submit your abstract for a poster presentation by March 25, 2023
Presenter Name
First Name
Last Name
Presenter Professional Title
Presenter Affiliation
Presenter Email Address
Presenter Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Additional Authors and Author Affiliations
Abstract Title
One Paragraph Abstract
What theme or topic does your poster best align with?
Please Select
Inclusive and Collaborative Research
New Perspectives, Knowledge Frameworks, Ways of Learning and Metrics of Success
Multi-Institutional Collaborative Projects
Building Resilience through Multi-Benefit Water and Watershed Management
Critical Zone Science
Education and Core Curriculum
Student Centered Research
Community Observers to Advance Water Science
Advances in Water Forecasting
CUAHSI and the Water Science Community
Please indicate if you are one of the following:
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Early-Career Faculty Member
Would you like to be considered for an oral lightning talk presentation slot? Lightning talk details will be forthcoming but each talk will be tentatively allocated 5-8 minutes (final instructions will be shared at the time of the talk). Lighting talk eligibility is open to everyone. A very limited number of slots are available.
Yes, I would like to be considered for a lightning talk.
A limited number of $500 travel grants are available to support travel to the Biennial. Students affiliated with U.S. universities, who present their poster, are eligible to receive travel grants. Grants are issued on a first-come, first-served basis in the order that they are received. Would you like to request travel support?
Yes, I would like to request travel support.
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