We welcome for-profit companies to join with us in advancing water science. The spirit of corporate affiliate membership, consistent with the core values of CUAHSI, is one of open and free exchange of ideas. We hope that Corporate Affiliates will share their knowledge, experience, and needs with the academic research community as they participate in CUAHSI activities and gain similar information from us.
CUAHSI is a consortium of academic institutions dedicated to advancing water science. While we hope that the knowledge generated from our actions will improve water management and inform debate over water policy, CUAHSI takes no position on water management or water policy issues. Membership in CUAHSI should not be used to connote an endorsement for any commercial activity or policy position.
CUAHSI evaluates each applicant for Corporate Affiliate Membership to determine if the activities of that corporation are consistent with CUAHSI’s goal of advancing hydrologic science and with the objective use of scientific information in water resources management. Both companies that contribute to advancing water science (through instrumentation development, water treatment, or environmental model development or other activities) or use water science in their business are eligible for membership. CUAHSI generally will not approve applications from organizations whose primary mission is advocacy on water issues, whether for development or conservation of the resource.
This form will confirm your request to apply for an Corporate Affiliate Membership at the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) under the governance structure specified in the CUAHSI Bylaws. The below named individuals will be appointed as the official Representative/s. Upon notification of acceptance of this application for corporate affiliate membership, you shall remit the one-time $2000 membership initiation fee, and shall agree to pay the annual membership dues.
The annual dues for corporate affiliate members are based on the size of the organization:
Fewer than 50 employees - $1,000 per year
50-1,000 employees - $2,500 per year
More than 1,000 employees - $5,000 per year